On May 28, a group of people gathered for the Launch of CBRET (Community-Based Research Excellence Tool). The workshop was filled with excellent conversation and enthusiastic CBRET feedback and included a presentation from Jamie Shipley of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation about the research programs in the National Housing Strategy. We are excited to roll out the tool to a wider audience soon!
Contact general@communitybasedresearch.ca if you are interested in having a workshop in your community.
The workshop exceeded my expectations. I was anticipating some theoretical expose about CBR but boy! I had the pleasure to meet both academics and practitioners from government and non government circles, all engaged and interested in CBR in their respective capacities. Further, the tool presented is thoroughly designed and hands-on. I feel like I can immediately hit the ground running with it and I actually will. I intend to use it to craft my research proposal and my first steps in my partner community this summer. Awesome! - Carelle Mang-Benza, workshop participant
This tool helps to balance power among people and describes how to work well with all. This is not a math formula, it is really a new mindset for designing and conducting community-based research” – Helen Song, workshop participant
I will use the CBRET in every community engaged learning course and every community engaged research project from now on! Specifically, I will use it as a way to encourage discussions with all partners at the entering phase of projects; as a training tool with undergraduate and graduate students to help operationalize and critically reflect on some of the indicators that fit with the principles and practices of community engaged scholarship; throughout and at the end of a community engaged project to reflect on the extent to which I and our partners are living up to our partnership goals; and finally, I will use it as a resource to help inform tenure and promotion committees about what it looks like to do community engaged scholarship. In other words, I see great benefit in this for every aspect of the work I do as a community engaged scholar! Thank you CCBR!
- Mavis Morton, Associate Professor, University of Guelph