The Centre for Community Based Research has partnered with the Positive Actions: Breaking HIV Stigma project and Reach Nexus to support the roll out of an exciting project that aims to empower peer leaders through positive actions to build a brighter HIV stigma-free Canada.
Over 5 years, Positive Action project aims to:
Build knowledge about how people experience stigma in Canada;
Explore new initiatives that can improve people’s experiences of stigma;
Engage people with lived experience of HIV and people with other lived experiences as stigma change-makers;
Develop, test and scale stigma reduction interventions at regional levels;
Build skills and capacity among people with lived experience of HIV, front-line workers, healthcare providers, and policymakers about stigma reduction work.
CCBR will work alongside the Positive Action Team to provide capacity-building coaching, and evaluation support. We are thrilled to join the team!
This week the Positive Actions project launched a new national funding opportunity and associated E-learning module: The HIV Stigma Positive Actions Development Guide . This module was designed for anyone interested in HIV peer leadership and engagement and reducing HIV stigma in their community. It was also created to be a companion guide for people interested in developing positive actions. We encourage you to use this resource and share it with others who may be interested!
The project is funded by the Public Health Agency in Canada, and led by REACH Nexus -- a national collaborative leadership network and implementation science research centre of over 125 researchers, front-line community agencies, people living with HIV, service providers, public health practitioners and policymakers. REACH Nexus is housed at the MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto.