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Understanding the Experiences of African Asylum Seekers in Peel, Toronto, and York Regions

This research project is a collaboration between Centre for Community-Based Research (CCBR) and United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) that seeks to understand the different experiences of African asylum seekers settling in Peel, Toronto and York regions.  The project aims to:

(i) understand shared successes, barriers and pain points experienced by the asylum seekers throughout their journeys;

(ii) pinpoint specific areas where the systems are interacting and working well and identify the good/promising practices enabling success;

(iii) identify gaps in the systems and where there is room for improvement and efficiencies to better support the asylum seekers in the regions;

(iv) inform service and system improvements from the ground up to improve the provision of support services to newly arrived asylum seekers.

 In carrying out this qualitative research, the CCBR has applied a methodological approach using three strategies: 1) an advisory committee composed of people with different relevant perspectives to guide the research process and support the project, 2) a diverse project team including people with lived experience as well as members of our partners to lead the project implementation, and 3) a community forum bringing together relevant stakeholders to provide feedback and co-develop strategies to implement research results.

 To gather useful information, CCBR has conducted an environmental scan on the experiences of asylum seekers. CCBR has also facilitated individual interviews and focus groups with African asylum seekers, as well as service providers, in Peel, Toronto and York regions. This research project is intended to support the improvement of services provided to asylum seekers in the regions and beyond. 


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