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Search action!: CCBR hits the conference circuit

After two years of not being able to gather in-person, this summer CCBR hit the conference circuit! For a list of conference presentations see below.

1. Wilson, R. and Wong, V. (2022, June). Diversity Works: Finding and Keeping Work at the Intersection of Racism and Ableism [Conference presentation]. Annual Supported Employment Conference: Unlocking the Inclusive Economy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

2. Ochocka, J., Switzer, S., Martin, J. (2022, June). CBRCanada – Successes, challenges, and dilemmas [Conference presentation]. Living Knowledge, Netherlands.

3. Switzer, S; de Dieu Basabose, J; Docherty, M.; Martin, J.; Janzen, R.; Heidebrecht, P. (2022, June) Community-Based Evaluation to Advance and Localize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Living Knowledge Conference. Groningen, Netherlands.

4. Ochocka, J., Tryon, B. (2022, June). Community Based Research Capacity-Building Among Students - Two Views from North America [Conference presentation]. Living Knowledge, Groningen, Netherlands.

5. Demmer, A., D’Ailly, H., & Ochocka, J. (2022). Stories of a multidisciplinary, participatory, online evaluation of wellness programming for people living with dementia [Conference presentation]. Canadian Evaluation Society 2022, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

6. D’Ailly, H., Demmer, A., & Ochocka, J. (2022) ‘The second-best way to do things’: serving people living with dementia under COVID-19 from In-person to virtual. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Evaluation Society 2022, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

7. Ochocka, J., Demmer, A., d’Ailly, H. (2022, June). ’The second-best way to do things’: A Community-based evaluation with people living with dementia during the pandemic [Conference presentation]. Living Knowledge, Groningen, Netherlands.

8. Demmer, A. (2022). Community-Based Research Methodologies in Suicide Prevention: A case example of service provider perspectives of local suicide prevention efforts [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention national conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

CCBR’s full-time researchers keep busy. Ruth Wilson, Janna Martin, and Sarah Switzer presented their masters, doctoral and post-doctoral research at national and regional conferences this spring.

1. Martin, J. (2022, May). “This Land is Ours”: Towards an Understanding of Mennonite and Amish Settler Colonial Myths [Conference presentation]. Conrad Grebel University College, Indigenous-Mennonite Encounters in Time and Place: A Gathering of Body, Mind, and Spirit, Waterloo, ON, Canada

2. Wilson, R. (2022, May). 50 Shades of White Supremacy [Conference presentation]. Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Feministes (WGSRF), Winnipeg, MB, Canada

3. Switzer, S., Alarcón, A., Burkholder, C., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Hellreich, E., & Gaztambide-Fernández, R. (May 2022). Beyond the toolkit: Online and Remote Community-Engaged Facilitation in the COVID-19 Pandemic [Conference presentation]. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research. Vancouver, British Columbia

Image credit: Ruth Wilson and Veen Wong presenting, "Diversity Works: Finding and Keeping Work at the Intersection of Racism and Ableism" at the annual supported employment conference.


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